Shropshire Star

Jailed: Telford paedophile caught with 16-minute video of two boys on his phone

A paedophile who had a 16-minute video of young boys carrying out sex acts on his phone has been jailed.

The most recent full year of figures showed a drop in revenge porn reports

Adam Essex, who has previous convictions for possessing indecent images of children, has been sent to jail for six months after "totally ignoring" previous court orders.

Shrewsbury Crown Court heard how after his latest offending, police attended the 27-year-old's home and arrested him based on intelligence they had received.

He gave officers the pass code to his iPhone and when its contents were downloaded and examined, a category A video and a still - depicting the most depraved examples of child abuse - were found.

The video showed two young boys, aged around 12 and 16, engaging in sexual activity.

Analysis also showed that Essex had access to a chat on messaging app Telegram called "Gay Aged 14 Group For All".

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