Shropshire Star

Planter near market hall 'ripped from railings' in town's latest vandalism attack

A town council is appealing for information after a planter in the town centre was damaged.


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Over the weekend, one of the planters near Market Drayton's Market Hall, off the Frogmore Road car park, was ripped off its railings in the latest incident of vandalism in the town.

In the last eight months town centre toilets, a children's play park and other planters have been targeted by vandals.

In October, police were appealing for the people responsible for pulling plants out of two planters on Queens Street to come forward.

Those planters had not long been replaced by the town council after they were removed due to previous acts of vandalism.

Photo: Market Drayton Town Council

Market Drayton mayor Roy Aldcroft previously said that the town council is forced to spend thousands of pounds every year on repairs and replacements because of the acts of a small number of people.

He said: "It's a very tiny number that is involved in this type of thing. The vast majority of people appreciate the town, don't do any damage and don't take part in vandalism.

"But the ones that do don't realise we spend thousands of pounds a year repairing things and replacing things. We could spend that on sports equipment.

"People do it without realising the stress and strain one way or another on budget, time and materials."

Anyone with information about the latest incident is asked to contact the town hall on 01630 653364 or email

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