Shropshire Star

'I hold my hands up to everything': Drink driver injured when he crashed into pole gets ban

A drink driver who was injured after crashing his car into a pole has been fined and banned from driving.

Telford Magistrates Court

Philip Daniel Chesworth-Jones, aged 42, of Sandringham Avenue, Oswestry, pleaded guilty to driving a Ford Puma with 42 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath on April 24, 2024. The legal limit is 35mcg per 100ml.

Telford Magistrates Court was told on Tuesday that the crash on the A495 Whittington Road, Oswestry, happened after Chesworth-Jones lost control having been overtaken. He clipped a kerb and hit the pole.

Charlotte Morgan, prosecuting, said Chesworth-Jones had admitted having a "Bacardi and coke" at home. He had no previous convictions and had been compliant with officers, she said. He had been taken to hospital suffering with minor neck pain. She said it fell in the lowest category of sentencing guidelines.