Shropshire Star

Man who swung punches at cop at Telford hotel lands expensive court bill

A man who swung punches at a policeman has been ordered to pay out more than £600.

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Dale Walton, aged 40, had to be taken to the floor with Pava spray during an incident at the Telford International Hotel in St Quentin's Gate.

Magistrates found Walton guilty in his absence of obstructing/resisting a constable in the execution of his duty at Telford Magistrates Court earlier this week.

A warrant for his arrest was issued and he was in front of magistrates at Kidderminster to face sentence.

He was fined £120 and ordered to pay £400 in court costs as well as an £85 victim surcharge.

Telford Magistrates Court was previously told how police had been called to the hotel over an allegation of theft.

The reception staff gave them the circumstances and the police stopped and searched Walton. They found a stolen mobile phone and bank card.

Walton had said he was intending to hand the items in but did not do so. Charlotte Morgan, prosecuting, said. "Both items were recovered."

She said that Walton was "irate and uncompliant" and swung twice for the officer.

Other police witness statements said that Walton had become loud and aggressive towards officers.

His partner and a child were also present.

Ms Morgan added that officers took Walton to the floor where there was a fight and pava spray was used.

"There was a fight on the floor where Walton was restrained behind his back and handcuffed," she said.

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