Shropshire Star

Staff 'disgusted' as First World War memorial in Shrewsbury is vandalised

Shropshire Council is working to repair damage to a First World War memorial after it was vandalised overnight.


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One member of staff said they were "disgusted" after discovering the vandalism of the 'Silent Silhouette' outside Shirehall in Shrewsbury on Wednesday morning.

The staff member, who didn't wish to be named, said that the metal silhouette of the soldier had been knocked over and appeared to have been "stepped on to snap the soldier in half".

The 'Silent Silhouette' was one of hundreds placed around the county to mark 100 years since the end of the First World War.

The 'Silent Silhouette' outside Shirehall was damaged overnight on Tuesday
The 'Silent Silhouette' outside Shirehall was damaged overnight on Tuesday

In addition to the vandalism to the memorial, the fencing around Lord Hill's column had also been tampered with.

The safety cordon at the bottom of the column, next to a traffic island outside Shirehall, has been in place since early January after small pieces of debris from the statue fell to the ground.

The safety cordon at the bottom of the column has been in place since January

Photographs show several sections of the fencing had been flattened, and some reportedly "bent out of shape".

A spokesperson from Shropshire Council said: "Sadly, the Silent Silhouette and fencing were vandalised last night. We are in the process of rectifying any damage that has been caused to them."