Shropshire Star

Police say no truth to social media reports of kidnapping or man seen with gun

Police have moved to reassure residents over reports of an attempt to kidnap a teenager – and of a person seen carrying a gun.


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Telford Police have taken to social media to say they have investigated both incidents – reported to have happened in Randlay last week – and are confident neither took place.

In a post on Facebook police also denied that they had advised children's holiday clubs in the area to close following the claims.

They said both incidents had been the subject of a number of social media posts from the public.

A spokesman said they understood the concerns but are "confident the incidents last week did not occur".

They added that extra patrols will take place in the area over the coming days.

The post said: "We are aware of social media posts currently circulating that claim there was an attempted kidnapping in Randlay last week.

"Officers received a report on Thursday 25 July that a teenager was approached by a group of men outside Randlay Shops on Wednesday, July 24, who encouraged him to get in their vehicle.

"Extensive enquiries have been carried out by officers, and we are satisfied there is no risk to the wider public and that the report was made in good faith.

"Over the past few days there have been several social media posts that state a man was also seen in the area last Wednesday, July 24, carrying a firearm.

"Officers have carried out extensive enquiries around these claims and are satisfied they are false.

"We understand why people may be concerned by these social media posts, but we would like to reassure the local community that officers have carried out enquiries and are confident the incidents last week did not occur.

"We have also been made aware that claims are being made on social media that police officers have advised local children's holiday clubs to close for people’s safety following these claims.

"We would like to reassure the local community that we have not advised this, and these clubs can go ahead as planned.

"Officers will be in the area carrying out patrols over the next few days, and anyone who may have concerns can speak to them."

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