Shropshire Star

Knife attack changed my life forever, Ronan's mother tells Labour conference

The mother of a teenager murdered in an unprovoked knife attack near his Wolverhampton home has spoken of her grief at the Labour Party conference.


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Pooja Kanda, whose 16-year-old son Ronan was stabbed to death in a case of mistaken identity, told delegates in Liverpool how nothing can prepare a parent for the news that their child had been killed.

Ronan was on his way to visit a friend near his home in Lanesfield when he was attacked by Prabjeet Veadhesa and Sukhman Shergill.

Mrs Kanda spoke to the conference shortly before Home Secretary Yvette Cooper's address, where she promised to introduce 'Ronan's Law' to outlaw the sale of 'ninja swords' like the kind used to kill Ronan.

Mrs Kanda told the conference about the ease with which Veadhesa, just 16 at the time, bought a ninja sword and a machete.

"There was no duty or care taken by anyone involved," she said.

"Knife crime is terrifying communities and destroying families like mine.

"Too many mothers get the devastating news that I got, telling you that your child has been stabbed to death and is not coming back.

"In that moment your entire existence changes forever."

Mrs Kanda, who is part of the Government's coalition to tackle knife crime, added: "Since losing my son, my family and I have channelled our grief into the Justice for Ronan Kanda campaign, which aims to right the wrongs that led up to the worst day of our lives."

Mrs Kanda said this included a ban on ninja swords, adding: "In opposition, Yvette made a commitment to bring this in and now in government she has committed to doing just that.

"I and other families will work closely with this new Labour Government to stamp out the scourge of serious violence on our streets."

Miss Cooper said Ronan's killers ordered the weapon online with 'no checks, no questions asked' as she reiterated the Government's commitment to introduce new legislation.

Her remarks came on the day a ban on owning zombie-style knives and machetes came into force.

Miss Cooper thanked Ms Kanda for her "courage", saying: "It is just two years since Ronan was killed, but Pooja has not stopped fighting for him since.

"Fighting for Ronan, fighting for other children, for other mums and dads because no parent should have to go through this unimaginable pain.

"So Pooja, we salute you, we support you and, now we are in government, we will back you in your fight to save young lives.

"Ronan's teenage killers ordered the ninja sword online. No checks, no questions asked, lethal weapons put straight in the hands of children.

"So this Labour government will bring in new laws to crack down on dangerous online sales and the gangs who draw children in, alongside new youth hubs to steer young people away from violence – a teenage Sure Start to build hope in the future.

"And we will make it a mission for our whole country to halve knife crime in a decade.

"And yes, this Labour Government will pass Ronan's law - a ban on ninja swords."