85 jobs under threat in Telford college cash cut
Up to 85 jobs could be lost at a college in Telford after nearly £4 million was cut from its budget for adult education.

Telford College of Arts and Technology (TCAT) is facing losing almost a quarter of its Adult Skills funding from the Government for the academic year starting in September.
The funding cut – from £16 million this year to £12.3 million for 2015/16 – has led college chiefs to undertake major restructuring that means full-time and part-time posts are at risk, according to principal and chief executive Chris Scott.
Staff and unions were given the news yesterday, and a formal consultation period is under way.
It comes as a huge blow to the college, which is partnering with the University of Wolverhampton to open a new higher education centre in Telford's Southwater development.
Adult Skills funding is aimed at further education courses for adults aged 19 and above.
Mr Scott said: "We are making every effort to avoid this possible outcome, and have tried to absorb funding cuts wherever possible, but this latest announcement has left us with little alternative.
"The Government's austerity measures are disproportionately impacting upon the further education sector at the moment, and are forcing us to make significant savings from our staffing costs.
"We hope that, as far as possible, any potential redundancies are voluntary. We acknowledge that this is a very worrying time for staff and their families, and we will offer staff whose jobs may be at risk all possible support.
"The cuts in Government funding for adult education are nationwide. The Association of Colleges has indicated that the average college has already made 109 staff redundant up to the summer of 2014.
"This is a position the college did not wish to find itself in, and we are extremely disappointed that national cuts have made it necessary."