Shropshire primary school leads the way for pupil progress
A primary school near Shrewsbury has been named as being among the best in England for the progress made by its pupils.
Trinity CE Primary School in Ford has received a letter from schools minister Nick Gibb congratulating it on being ranked among the top three per cent in the country for the development of pupils between the ages of seven and 11.
In his letter Mr Gibb said: "We want to ensure that every child has the necessary fluency in reading, writing and mathematics to prepare them for a successful secondary education and your school has provided that.
"Thank you for your hard work and professionalism in producing such high standards and congratulations again to you and your staff for all you have achieved."
The school also received a positive report from schools inspector Ofsted, which judged the school as continuing to be good in a short inspection.
Ofsted praised the school for the range of opportunities available to the children. The short inspection judged the school to be 'good', although the inspector recognised the progress that had been made since the last inspection.
Chair of governors Councillor Roger Evans said the inspection and Mr Gibb's letter outlined the "top class" education provided at the school.
He said: "Parents should be reassured by the Ofsted outcome reinforced by the letter received by the school from the government minister Nick Gibb that Trinity School provides a top class education for our children in a safe and nurturing environment.
"We as governors are disappointed that the inspector did not feel able to class us an outstanding school already, When compared to many others we do provide the excellent, outstanding education and opportunities that our children want and need. This was recognised by the schools minister in his letter to the school a few days ago. In the inspectors remarks to the governors she was of the opinion however that our school is firmly on the path to becoming 'outstanding' when the school is inspected again in the future."
Headteacher John Rowe added: "Trinity School's successes were acknowledged in this inspection report. The inspection outcome shows that the school is equipping children effectively for the next stage in their education."