Shropshire Star

School celebrating good Ofsted report

A primary school is celebrating after turning around its previous Ofsted reports to be deemed a 'good' school in the latest inspection.

Kinlet Church of England Primary School. Photo: Google StreetView.

Kinlet Church of England Primary School has returned to the 'good' rating after the previous inspection two-and-a-half years prior found that it 'required improvement'.

The school in Kinlet, which caters for kids from reception class to Year 6, hosted Ofsted inspectors in March and the report detailing the improvements since the previous visit in 2015.

Inspectors in the report said: "The headteacher and governors are highly ambitious and have a clear vision for the school. Their leadership has been successful in securing the necessary improvements.

"Governors are effective. They carry out their roles professionally and always act in the best interest of the pupils. They know the strengths and weaknesses of the school well.

"Pupils enjoy writing and make good progress. However, they do not have enough opportunities to evaluate the quality of their writing and make improvements. Handwriting is not consistently of a high standard across the curriculum."

Since September 2017 all pupils have the opportunity to participate in a weekly Forest School session on the school grounds. They are taught gardening skills and chicken husbandry.

The school has also begun developing a link with a school in Nepal. Pupils have already been raising funds to buy resources which have been delivered to the school by the headteacher, Anita Raymond.

There will be an Open Afternoon on Friday, June 22, from 1.15pm onwards for current and prospective parents.