Shropshire Star

£750,000 virtual reality suite for Telford College

Telford College is taking learning to a new hi-tech level by investing around £750,000 in a suite of virtual and augmented reality facilities.


The top floor of the Walker building at the college’s Haybridge campus will be transformed into a new virtual reality suite, thanks to more than half a million pounds of funding from the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership.

Graham Guest, principal and chief executive of the college, said: “The LEP funding will help us to purchase virtual and augmented reality equipment which we will have in place by September, for the start of the new academic year.

“It will provide massive educational benefits for our students, and significantly contribute to skills delivery, making us the college of choice for employers and students. Telford College is focused on delivering future technologies to students.”

The suite will include the latest immersive virtual and augmented reality teaching aids and software packages, including a virtual reality ‘cave’ which can transport users into other working and learning environments.

Other equipment includes a full size hydroscopic display screen, interactive mirrors, motion simulators, smart glasses and augmented reality display systems.

It’s part of a big investment at the college over the summer to prepare for the arrival of students from the King Street campus, which will close at the end of the current academic year.