20k on offer to attract more teachers in Wales
Incentives of up to £20,000 are being offered to attract new teachers across Wales.
Education Minister and Brecon and Radnorshire Kirsty Williams AM, has announced the financial incentives that the Welsh Government offer for teacher training will be extended in the coming year.
The incentives aim to attract the best graduates into teaching priority subjects such as maths, chemistry, physics, computer science and modern foreign languages.
The highest value schemes are available to graduates undertaking Initial Teacher Education in the priority areas who hold a first class degree, Masters or PhD, with other incentives for graduates with 2:1 and 2:2 degrees.
The funding is for postgraduates starting courses and is offering up to £20,000 student teachers for mathematics, physics, chemistry, Welsh or computer sciences and up to £15,000 for modern foreign languages.
Miss Williams, said: “Giving school pupils the best possible education means attracting the best teachers into the profession, especially in priority subjects where the demand for new teachers is highest.
“We are also extending the Iaith Athrawon Yfory incentives to help increase the numbers teaching Welsh and through the medium of Welsh, to help us achieve our aims in Cymraeg 2050.
“These incentives of up to £20,000, with an additional £5,000 available for Welsh-medium teachers, will help recruit the best teachers we can and support them on their career pathway.
"Maintaining a strong and skilled teaching workforce is essential to achieving our ambitions in our National Mission for Education in Wales.”