Shropshire Star

Primary school near Bridgnorth delighted by inspection verdict

A primary school near Bridgnorth is celebrating as the first in Shropshire to be inspected under new regulations.

Alveley Primary School has been rated 'good'

Alveley Primary School was graded 'Good' in all five areas put under the microscope by Ofsted Inspector Tracy Stone, overseen by Her Majesty's Inspector (HMI) Wayne Simner.

New guidelines were introduced at the beginning of the 2019/20 academic year for the first time in years and the school, which has been under new management since 2016, was the first in the county to be put to the test.

The inspection report highlighted the pride the school puts in its grounds and library, as well as focusing on working relationships.

It states: "Pupils are proud to attend their school. In particular, they are proud of the school grounds and the library.

"The school has improved tremendously over the last three years. Pupils talk enthusiastically about the changes that have happened."

Paul O'Malley, headteacher, said: "This is wonderful news and testament to all the hard work staff, pupils, parents and the wider community have done over the last three years."


The school was the first to join Oldbury Wells as part of the Bridgnorth Area Schools Trust in November 2016.

He added: "We've been on a three-year journey and the school has spent those three years improving results, bringing them up to the national average and last year brining them above the national average.

"We had an HMI carry out a thorough two-day inspection which is quite unusual at a small school but we're very pleased and proud at the results."

Sarah Godden, executive head teacher, said: "We are all very proud of the work everyone involved with Alveley Primary has done.

"The school now achieves results above the national averages in SATS and the progress of children is good."

Geoff Baker, chair of governors, added: "A big well done to Mr O'Malley and all the staff.

"May I offer my personal gratitude to everyone who works at Alveley for all the commitment, hard work and talent you bring to the school – you are a great team."