Shropshire Star

Whitchurch school is leading the way in Shropshire

A Whitchurch school is celebrating following the confirmation that it is leading the way in Shropshire.

Last updated
Headteacher David O’Toole

Sir John Talbot's School is well above the national average in Progress 8 - a system which measures of the progress children make between the end of primary school and the end of secondary school.

A school's score is usually between -1, meaning students achieve one grade lower in each qualification than others nationally, and +1, which means they generally achieve one grade higher.

Sir John Talbot's School has built on its success over the past three years and has achieved its highest score of 0.57 which places it number one in Shropshire and in the top 14 per cent of schools across England.


Headteacher David O’Toole said: "I am so proud of all of the students and staff for the effort and hard work. This couldn’t have been achieved without the full support of parents working so closely with the school.

"We have an exceptional team here at Sir John Talbot’s School and provide the perfect balance between a pursuit of academic excellence alongside personalised pastoral care. I believe this is so important as every student is entitled to a first class education."

The school, which joined the Marches Academy Trust in 2014, has made significant progress in all areas including standards, behaviour and results.