Noah ready for Pizza Fridays as the new school year arrives at last
Noah Earl says he is looking forward to being back at school with his friends, his 'Pizza Friday' school dinners and having a 'boy teacher' for the first time.
The seven-year-old is going into Year 3 at The Meadows School in Oswestry with a new teacher, Mr Durrell.
"I am looking forward to playing with Thomas and Edie and Yasmin," he said.
"Sometimes in the playground they put balls out and we play catch or if there are three of us we play piggy-in-the-middle."
"I am having a boy teacher. I have never had a boy teacher," he added.
"I am excited about going to school on Wednesday. I like PE and I am already back at swimming and football with Oswestry Boys and Girls Club."
"I like school dinner, Pizza Fridays and when we have roast dinner."
During lockdown, Noah's parents, Jo and Ryan, had to combine working with home schooling.
"The Meadows has been wonderful with the online support but it has been hard to combine work with home schooling," Jo said.
Noah said: "I like maths best. I like to fill in the missing answers on my 'tab' (computer tablet)."
Although not keen on English, he has been doing a handwritten diary for this schoolwork. In one of the entries he wrote: "If I was a prince I would marry Edie. I would maker her a princess. We would have a tea party with a dragon there and play some games."
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His mother said when Noah was first in lockdown he told her he never wanted to go to school again.
"Now he is excited and really looking forward to going back. There will be staggered starts and finishes and different playtimes and lunch for each year bubble. It will be difficult to work around this with work but we will."