Shropshire Star

Message in a bottle for other councils about Telford's approach to green spaces

Telford & Wrekin Council's commitment to green spaces has been praised by Natural England, who wish they could "bottle what you have done".

Last updated
Natural England group picture. Photo: Telford & Wrekin Council

Council officers met a delegation from Natural England on Wednesday for a ‘walk and talk’ around Telford Town Park to discuss the borough’s wider green spaces.

It followed the launch of the Government’s environmental improvement plan and Natural England’s green infrastructure framework earlier this week.

A council spokesman said it was "universally agreed that Telford’s attitude and commitment to green infrastructure is very advanced in comparison to many other local authorities".

Emma Johnson from Natural England said:“We were all impressed by the commitment, how that is growing and improving a vibrant green space in Telford. My colleagues are now thinking how they can bottle what you have done!

"This is a fantastic example of delivering quality green space near to where people live, just what we hope the Green Infrastructure framework will encourage.”