Shropshire Star

Teachers start first of two strike days with protest outside office of Shropshire MP

Striking teachers in Shropshire took protest action on Thursday in support of their dispute with the Government over their pay demands.

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Photo: PA Wire

Members of the National Education Union from Telford took part in a protest outside the offices of Wrekin Conservative MP Mark Pritchard, where they made the case for more action over pay and a "crisis in recruitment".

A spokesman for the Telford & Wrekin branch of the NEU said; "We have got the support of the public and headteachers. We want the Government to come to talk to us."

The national union, which is also planning to strike on Tuesday, May 2, says its members do not want to go on strike "they want to be in the classroom, teaching and supporting our amazing children and young people".

A national spokesman said: "There is a crisis of recruitment and retention within the school system. A decade of falling pay is a key reason for this and needs to be addressed by the Government. One in four teachers leave the profession within two years of qualifying; a third within five years. 13 per cent of teachers who qualified in 2019 have quit.

"We urge Gillian Keegan, the Secretary State for Education, to make an offer to resolve this urgent issue."

Wrekin MP Mark Pritchard, whose constituency office is in Wellington, has welcomed extra funding from the Government which will provide schools in The Wrekin with a total of £2,678,878 million in extra funding.

"The new funding is part of £2 billion this year and next for primary schools and secondary schools in England," he said.

Every state school in England will receive extra cash following the additional £2 billion investment. A typical primary school will receive approximately an extra £35,000 while a typical secondary school will receive an extra £200,000.

Mr Pritchard added: "The Institute for Fiscal Studies has confirmed that this uplift will mean the financial year 2024/25 will be the highest spending year in history for schools. In total, the schools budget will be £58.8 billion in 2024/25, meaning this Government is putting more money into schools than any government in British history. It also means that school funding is set to rise faster than forecast inflation in both 2023/24 and 2024/25.

"Schools will receive their first payment by May 10, 2023, and will be able to choose how to invest the extra funding, including the option to pay for teacher pay rises and more teaching assistants.

"The remainder of the £2 billion funding boost will be used to increase Pupil Premium funding rates, which are rising by five per cent in 2023/24.

"This extra funding will support disadvantaged pupils, local authorities’ high needs budgets and special schools, making sure every child with special educational needs and disabilities receives the support and high quality education they deserve."

Mr Pritchard added: "My constituents want outstanding local schools which support young people to reach their full potential regardless of their background.

“That is why I welcome the £2.6 million in extra funding for schools in The Wrekin and I support the Conservative Government's decision to deliver the highest spending on schools in history."

Education Secretary Gillian Keegan said: "I am hugely grateful to all our fantastic teachers, school leaders and support staff for all their incredible work and the immeasurable impact they have on the lives of children every day.

“Teachers must continue to have the resources they need, and this extra cash will make sure that they do.

"With school funding set to be at its highest ever level next year, even accounting for inflation, parents everywhere can be confident schools are being supported to let teachers get on and do what they do best - teach.”

The NEU says that it has given guidance to its members, reps and local officers over seeking agreements with headteachers that permit exam year students (year 11 and 13) to attend school on our April 27 and May 2 strike days for revision activities or exam practice.