Shropshire Star

Council wants to withdraw post 16 and nursery transport funding for 'vulnerable' children with special educational needs and disabilities

Parents of 'vulnerable' nursery and post-16 children with special educational needs and disabilities could soon be paying more for school transport in Shropshire Council’s latest cost-saving plan.

Last updated
Shropshire Council's cabinet will consider the proposal next week.

The authority is considering a proposal to end financial contributions towards school transport for children it does not have a legal duty to provide it for, in a move it says will save £350,000 a year.

The council acknowledges the cuts will likely have a “high negative impact” on the "vulnerable" children affected, and could “be seen as running against the corporate aims of the council with regard to children and young people and their life chances”.

A report to go before the council’s cabinet next week seeks permission to go out to public consultation on the changes, which would also cut transport assistance from mainstream post-16 pupils.

If the new policy is adopted following consultation, it would come into effect in September 2024.