Shropshire Star

Shocked parents launch campaign after village pre-school is suddenly closed down

A pre-school nursery has been closed suddenly by Ofsted.

Last updated

The Caterpillars Montessori Pre-School in Welshampton was told on Monday that it could not open on Tuesday - to the shock of parents, who had to find alternative child care overnight.

It is understood that the pre-school is now suspended pending an appeal.

In January 2020 an inspection said the pre-school was outstanding.

Owners of the pre-school declined to comment on the closure save to thank the parents for their support.

Parents have mounted a campaign to help with the appeal and see the pre-school re-opened.

About 50 parents and carers packed into the site of Caterpillars, which is based on the site of the village's primary school, on Monday night.

One of those parents, Olivia Topple, said all the parents were shocked.

"Caterpillars was told on Monday afternoon with Ofsted saying the children could stay the rest of the day," she said.

"We understand that there had been an anonymous complaint," Olivia said.

"We held an emergency meeting on Monday evening and about 50 people came along. Not one of us can understand why the complaint has been made, none of us have any complaints ourselves. We love the pre-school and so do our children."

Olivia said her four-year-old son, Arthur, talked about Caterpillars and the friends he had there all the time.

"He has so many bonds here and the parents have made bonds."

"Ofsted has given us no alternative child care and we have been totally left in the dark. Some people have support of family but some have no-one to help them.

"We are now collecting letters from parents past and present in support of the nursery."

The parents have also set up a Go Fund Me Page, online at