Shropshire Star

Student from Ludlow College given £1,000 to help with university expenses after winning award

A budding graphic designer from Ludlow College has received £1,000 to help with her future university expenses, after winning an award.

Lauren Allen (front row, second left) with CKA runners up Billy Auger, Chris Davies, and Amelia Crane, along with CKA trustees Ian Barge, Linda Hurcombe and Ludlow College deputy principal Neil Church

Lauren Allen received the cash help after winning the Caitlin’s Kickstart Award (CKA).

The award is named after Caitlin Hurcombe. a student at Ludlow College who died in 1998.

Set up by Caitlin's mother, Linda, the charity offers financial help to Ludlow College applicants in their first year of further and higher education.

An award of £1,000 is given to a student "who has achieved something very special against the odds".

To date the charity has given away £65,000.

Lauren, who intends to study graphic design at university, received her award computer-generated graphic design, titled ‘Future Me’ and composed specifically for her submission.

Judges said the entry stood out "for its originality and visual power".