Shropshire Star

Mum to receive compensation after council fails to provide child with alternative education

Telford & Wrekin Council will have to pay compensation to the mother of a child with autism who was not provided alternative education.

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Telford & Wrekin Council will have to pay compensation to the mother of an autistic child who was not provided alternative education

The boy, referred to as child Y, is also dyslexic and suffers from anxiety.

He was first issued with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) in February 2022, which was his final year in primary school. His mother appealed it because she wanted a specialist school named in the plan, rather than a mainstream one.

Her child subsequently attended a specialist school the following September, but his attendance declined due to his anxiety.

The boy's mother, Mrs X, emailed the council to say Y was struggling to attend, and the Education Welfare Officer suggested meeting with the school to look at an adapted timetable.

However, despite being offered this, Y was still not managing to access school, so Mrs X requested an annual review from the school due to him not receiving any education.