Shropshire Star

This is what new TV advert for Shrewsbury Colleges Group is all about

You might have already seen a new TV advert promoting a familiar Shropshire organisation.

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Shrewsbury Colleges Group's 30-second advert began its run on Sky TV across the region on Monday.

It is the first ever television advert for the college and is focused on promoting its degree level opportunities to further increase the number of individuals gaining higher level qualifications at the college.

The advert, which can be seen on Vimeo, was produced in collaboration with Reech Media.

It highlights the way in which the Higher Technical Qualifications on offer at the college can meet the needs of people looking to change careers, business looking to upskill their workforce, and young people looking to continue their studies.

James Staniforth, principal of Shrewsbury Colleges Group, said: “We are excited to take this bold step in our marketing.

"The college successfully secured government funding to promote a new range of Higher Technical Qualifications and the TV advert is a hugely important part of effort to attract and support students and businesses seeking to further their education, training, and career prospects."

The advert is accompanied by a comprehensive digital campaign across social media platforms, ensuring maximum reach and engagement.

"We are delighted to have worked with Shrewsbury Colleges Group to develop this advert," said Amelia Redge, agency director of Reech.

"This is a crucial development in the wider campaign that we’ve been developing with the college to promote the Higher Technical Qualifications. We believe that the advert will really raise the profile of the university level courses as well as the college as a whole."

Shrewsbury Colleges Group was formed following the merger of Shrewsbury Sixth Form College and Shrewsbury College on August 1, 2016.

Shrewsbury Colleges Group says it has the largest and most flexible curriculum for post-16 students within Shropshire, offering A-Level subjects at the English and Welsh Bridge campuses and vocational/technical courses at the English Bridge and London Road campuses.

The college provides post-16 education to approximately 3,800 students aged 16 to 18, as well as adult education, higher education, community learning and training for apprentices. In total the college works with around 9,000 students each year.