Primary school praised by inspector
The acting headteacher of a primary school has been praised by government inspectors for her 'determined and committed leadership'.
Tracey Cansdale, of Christ Church Primary School in Cressage near Shrewsbury was told by Ofsted inspector Mark Sims that, along with the school's governors, she had 'ensured stability and future sustainability for the school during a time of significant change'.
Mr Sims added: "Teaching remains strong. You have continued to secure good outcomes for pupils which by the end of Year 6 exceed national expectations in reading, writing and mathematics.
"Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the leadership of the school. The ethos of the school, which is rooted in its Christian values, underpins every aspect of school life. Pupils said it is a very caring school."
He also noted that the previously high proportion of permanent and fixed-term exclusions had been significantly reduced.
In his report, which was published this week following the inspection in July, Mr Sims said that the school and its governors understood why the school could not be given an outstanding rating and instead retained its status as good.
He added they were aware of what changes needed to be made to secure further improvements.
"You have maintained the good quality of teaching and improved the teaching of mathematics so that outcomes are now rapidly improving by the end of Year 6," he added. "Teachers are adept at teaching mixed-aged classes. Pupils are highly positive about the changes introduced in mathematics that enable them to problem-solve and work in greater depth.
"There has been an increase in the proportion of the most able pupils reaching higher standards in reading and working in greater depth in writing. However, there are still no pupils working at greater depth in reading, writing and mathematics combined by the end of Year 6.
"Outcomes for boys in writing across the school have improved since last year's tests and assessments.
"Pupils enjoy their learning and behave well in and around school."