Shropshire Star

Ofsted inspectors rate Telford school 'outstanding'

Praise has been heaped on a primary school in Telford which has been rated "outstanding" by education inspectors.


William Reynolds Primary School in Woodside achieved top marks across the board following a recent Ofsted inspection.

Inspectors said senior leaders were skilled and effective in raising achievement and year six pupils' progress in reading, writing and mathematics was among the highest in the country last year.

A newly-published Ofsted report, following the inspection in July, said: "'Be the best that you can be’ is an entirely suitable motto for this school.

"Leaders’ passion for all pupils to succeed, combined with the drive for high-quality teaching, ensures that pupils make outstanding progress."

Inspectors said the behaviour of pupils was of the "highest order".

Staff were described as "excellent role models" and pupils as polite and well-mannered.

Pupils who have special educational needs or disabilities were said to be making rapid progress.

Inspectors said the curriculum was broad and well planned to give pupils a wide range of experiences and broaden their horizons.

The headteacher was also described by inspectors as an "excellent leader who is passionate in wanting the best for the pupils".

The report said: "The vast majority of parents and carers who spoke to inspectors were glowing in their praise for her, her ethos and her actions.

"Families acknowledged that the school offered an excellent education and that senior leaders were always approachable on the playground each day."

Inspectors said governors also know the school well and received regular updates.

Safeguarding procedures were described as "robust and fit for purpose" and there was high praise for the quality of teaching.

The report said: "Teachers use their very good knowledge of pupils’ skills to ensure that pupils have work that is well matched to their needs.

"Other adults are deployed strategically to work with specific pupils inside and outside the classrooms.

"Leaders ensure that all groups of pupils have time to work with teachers and support staff to very good effect.

"Teachers have exceptional subject knowledge and this enables them to expertly match work to the needs of the pupils.

"All staff use questioning skilfully to develop learning and support the deepening of ideas.

"Teachers’ clear and unambiguous expectations and constant encouragement ensure that the pupils always achieve their best."

The school in Westbourne, which was rated good in its last Ofsted inspection in 2013, has 452 pupils on roll.