Ludlow school given ‘Good’ rating in inspection
Staff at a Ludlow school are celebrating after Ofsted inspectors ranked them as good in all areas following a recent inspection.

A report on Ludlow Junior School, which caters from pupils aged seven to 11, was published last week, following an inspection back in November.
The school received good ratings for leadership and management, quality of teaching, personal development and outcome for pupils.
The school has around 238 pupils, and Ofsted inspectors reported that since her appointment last year, headteacher Kath Mather has wasted no time in addressing issues.
Inspectors also praised the work of senior leaders in improving the school and the standard of teaching.
The report states: "Since her appointment in September 2017, the headteacher has wasted no time in addressing weaknesses in the school.
"As a result, the school has improved rapidly in a short space of time and standards have risen.
"School leaders, the local governing body and the trust are aspirational for the school and the pupils.
"The trust provides effective support and challenge to the school.
"Senior leaders are now more strategic in their roles.
"They make a valuable contribution to improving teaching and learning and outcomes for pupils.
"Middle leaders are beginning to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the individual subjects and areas they are responsible for.
"The quality of teaching is good because teachers know where pupils are in their learning and what they need to learn next."
The school was also praised for its safeguarding practice, which was described as exemplary by inspectors, who added: "Pupils’ wellbeing is a high priority in the school and, as a result, pupils feel safe and secure."
On physical education, inspectors said an increasing number of pupils are participating and additional funding is being used well to support pupils.
Inspectors also added that improvement is needed to develop the roles of middle leaders to strengthen capacity further, and to address issues with spelling and to challenge the most able pupils in mathematics.