Shropshire Star

'Full grade inspection this term': This is what has been happening to improve behaviour at a school rated inadequate

Inspectors say a Shropshire school they put into special measures in 2022 has made progress but needs to do more.

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Idsall School was rated inadequate and subjected to a rigorous monitoring and advice regime with poor behaviour a central part of the reason.

The latest monitoring report, carried out at the school in Shifnal in July and published on Fridaysays that leaders have "made progress to improve the school."

But the inspector added that "more work is necessary for the school to be no longer judged as requiring special measures."

Alexander Laney, His Majesty’s Inspector, says that there has been "little impact on some parents’ perceptions of the school".

This is despite "the work you are doing to shift the culture of behaviour across the school."

He adds that there "remains a negative perception among some parents about the school’s work."

The team is working on resolving this by starting to celebrate the "successes and positive behaviours now shown by the majority of pupils."

But in Mr Laney's view the leadership team are continuing to take the right actions, "in the right order and at the right pace."

He adds: "As a result of this work, pupils now have a clearer understanding of which behaviours are acceptable and which are not. Increasingly, pupils meet these expectations in lessons and around the school site."

But there remain issues to resolve, including that "some teachers" do not always challenge bad behaviour. But they are being helped to do that, the report reads.

And the school has set up what it calls a ‘reset space’ where misbehaving pupils are sent.

But they haven't always been getting access to the same curriculum.

"You recognise that there is more work to be done to ensure pupils access work that is well aligned to the curriculum when they are removed from lessons," the inspector said.

But the school thinks it has made enough progress since the monitoring to be graded by a full inspection.

Michelle King, the Headteacher at Idsall School says Ofsted has agreed to conduct a full grade inspection this term.

The headteacher said: "We are encouraged by the positive feedback in this monitoring inspection and are proud of the progress we’ve made since the last visit.

"Our leadership team, staff, and students have shown immense dedication in addressing key areas, and we are confident that our ongoing efforts will continue to drive meaningful change.

"While there is still work to be done, especially in consistency and behaviour management, we are taking the right steps to ensure our school is on the path to long-term success.

"I want to thank our community for their continued support as we move forward together. We also look forward to a full grade inspection which Ofsted have agreed to conduct this term."

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