Shropshire Star

School holds Oxbridge conference for Shropshire students

A conference for pupils wishing to further their studies at Oxford or Cambridge will take place at Shrewsbury High School next month.


The school will be hosting a Young Oxbridge Conference on April 27 for academic high flyers in Shropshire.

Open to all pupils in Year 9 and above and their parents, the SHS Oxbridge Conference hopes to encourage able students to aim high and extend themselves from a young age and to improve access to these prestigious universities for all pupils.

The school is working together with the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge with the aim of improving access to the universities for those 14 – 18 year olds who are academically gifted . The purpose is to help encourage able students to aim high, to extend themselves from a young age, and to realise that Oxford and Cambridge are accessible.

Megan Goldman Roberts from Cambridge and Eleanor Chamings from Oxford, both university access officers, will be at the event, advising pupils about the admissions process, what admissions tutors are looking for at interview and how they assess applications.

Student ambassadors from both universities will also be present to answer questions and provide advice.

Oxbridge coordinator at Shrewsbury High School, Rachel Smith, said: “Last year when we ran the inaugural Oxbridge Conference at the school, we were overwhelmed with the positive response and turnout.

"There is quite clearly an appetite for more information about applying to these top universities and some very talented and ambitious pupils across the County who are keen to find out how they can make themselves a better candidate at interview and increase their chances of success.”

Registration is now open for the event. Register at and if you would like to bring a group to the event, or for any other questions, please email Emily Brick at