Shropshire Star

Big names to attend Ludlow conference for Fairtrade Fortnight

The CEO of Fairtrade UK has been named among the speakers at a conference in south Shropshire to mark the upcoming Fairtrade Fortnight.

The Fairtrade movement aims to ensure a fair deal for farmers.

Following the recent renewal of Ludlow’s Fairtrade Town status, the Ludlow Fairtrade Town Group has revealed plans for a series of talks and workshops led by high profile figures in the ethical consumerism movement.

It is part of the annual Fairtrade Fortnight campaign, which aims to raise the profile of the activities of the Fairtrade Foundation, and runs from February 24 to March 8.

Michael Gidney, CEO of Fairtrade UK, along with Robin Roth, CEO of Traidcraft UK, Shaun Holland, CEO of Slow Food UK, and local organic farming experts Mark Measures and Joy Greenall will be leading the conference in Ludlow.

Titled 'Our Food: The cost to the earth and its people', the event will focus specifically on the environmental effect of our diets.

Jenny Hume, chair of Ludlow Fairtrade Town Group and Ludlow Food Network, said: “There is huge awareness of climate change now, but, alongside this, huge confusion.

"How should we change? What does an ‘earth friendly diet’ look like?


"We are bombarded with apparently conflicting messages. Should I eat organic? Or ‘local’? Where does Fairtrade fit into the picture? Should we all become vegans or is meat OK?

"And how can I buy my food ethically if I’m on a limited budget?

"It is these sorts of issues that we are hoping the conference will help to clarify.

"Ludlow is, justifiably, known as a ‘foodie town’. What is perhaps less well known is the high level of knowledge and interest in the town in the ethical issues around food.

"Ludlow should be a real leader in this area, and through the conference we look forward to achieving new ideas and insights that will enable us to take this forward to the next stage.

"We are delighted to welcome our very prestigious speakers to join us in this debate and many people from outside our town."

The conference will be held on February 29 at Ludlow Methodist Church from 10am to 2pm, with a light lunch provided.

Tickets are available from or Jenny Hume on 01584 831654.