Shropshire Star

Culvert cleared on Shrewsbury Canal as part of restoration work

Volunteers working to breathe new life into an old canal in Shrewsbury have solved a tricky problem thanks to the interest of local people and the generosity of a kind contractor.

Volunteers working on the culvert

The National Trust, as part of its conservation work, has harvested a section of poplar trees alongside Pelham Road at Berwick Wharf. These were in poor condition and the trees will grow back better and thrive over the long term.

As the work opened up the old canal route it was noticed that an original culvert under the canal was not operating correctly.

“The culvert is part of the old drainage system” said Alistair Price, group leader for the Shrewsbury Work Party, which is the local arm of the Shrewsbury and Newport Canals Trust.

“It was an essential part of local environment improvements the National Trust is carrying out.

“A culvert drains water from the fields on one side of the canal over to the drainage ditches on the other side. Over the years tree roots and silt have built up inside it and damaged the internal brickwork.”

Bryn Jones begins work watched by volunteers from the canal trust

Volunteer Paul Howl said: “The National Trust asked for our input. We tried everything but even the drain rods we normally use couldn’t shift the blockage. So as a last resort we asked on social media if anyone knew an expert firm who might be willing to help us. Before we knew it the wonderful people of Shrewsbury were sharing the story and we couldn’t believe it when we ended up with offers of help from three local companies.

"Bryn Jones of Jones Contracting had recently done work on a nearby farm so his offer of help was accepted and the culvert is now flowing freely for the first time in many years.

“We just want to publicly thank Bryn for his selfless act, which will enable our volunteers to carry on with the restoration work they love.”

The Shrewsbury volunteers work every Tuesday and Thursday and one Saturday a month. Other work parties also take place at Newport and Telford. They can be found on Facebook by searching for the Shrewsbury Old Canal Group.

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