Shropshire Star

Mixed views in responses to Shrewsbury 'Liveable Neighbourhoods' surveys

Polls on the introduction of traffic-reducing measures in Shrewsbury received about 1,000 responses, with views split down the middle.


The results of two surveys asking if 'Liveable Neighbourhoods' should be introduced in areas of the town have been processed, with 47.7 opposed and 46 per cent in favour.

Between October 4 and November 1, residents were asked whether Shropshire Council should implement plans for 'Liveable Neighbourhoods' in the Copthorne and Porthill areas for up to 18 months.

A Liveable Neighbourhood aims to make neighbourhood streets safer and more appealing for residents by removing rat-running traffic.

The proposals included:

  • Modal filters – bollards or wooden planters placed across one end of a road with gaps to allow through access to bike and pedestrians only. These are designed so residents can access their properties and emergency vehicles, buses and delivery vehicles have access.

  • A bus gate at the Porthill Drive/Woodfield Road junction, to allow through movements for buses and other authorised vehicles, such as taxis, delivery vans and emergency vehicles.

  • Additional greenery, planting and seating areas known as ‘pocket parks’ to slow remaining traffic and provide an area for residents and visitors to the area to spend time in.

  • Additional pedestrian/cyclist crossings on Copthorne Road (B4386) as the ‘gateway zone’ between the two Liveable Neighbourhood areas.

  • A 20mph speed limit and traffic calming measures across the area.

The results of Survey 1 showed an almost even split between those who supported and those who opposed the proposals.

In total 47.7 per cent of respondents opposed the proposals and 46 per cent supported them.

The results of Survey 2 showed that 59.3 per cent of respondents opposed the proposals and 39.9 per cent supported the proposals.

The most common reason given by the respondents who supported the proposals was that they believed the measures would result in reduced volumes and speeds of traffic in the area.

The most common reason given for opposing the plans was that they thought they would result in increased traffic on the surrounding road network.

Dean Carroll, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for highways, said: “I’d like to thank all those who took the time to take part in this survey.

"Their comments and feedback are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated, and will help to inform our future approach to tacking traffic speed and volume in these areas of Shrewsbury.”

Julian Dean, Shropshire Councillor for Porthill, said: “It’s been great to see so many local people engage with this.

"I’m looking forward to the next stage and hope we can find ways to enable more of us to feel safe when opting for walking, cycling, or mobility scooter use, especially when this can replace shorter car journeys.”

Rob Wilson, Shropshire Councillor for Copthorne, said: “I’d like to thank all of the residents who took the time to get involved in this engagement.

"Traffic is clearly an important issue in our neighbourhood, one that impacts us in multiple ways, and is getting worse year by year.

"As a community we need to address it, so the council will consider the views raised and consider what measures can be brought forwards.”