Shropshire Star

Rogue traders set to take advantage of flood victims, council warns

A council has warned of the dangers of rogue traders taking advantage of the flooding clean up operation.

Last updated
Flooding threatened Ironbridge

They often carry out poor-quality work, sometimes taking money for materials and then disappearing without doing any work at all.

Worcestershire County Council, which covers the Tenbury Wells area, says rogue traders may quote low prices, but they will soon demand more money and very often the work they claim needs doing is completely unnecessary.

Councillor Marcus Hart, cabinet member for communities at Worcestershire County Council said: “We are encouraging homeowners to be on their guard against less reputable traders who may take advantage of any damage caused by the flooding by trying to convince homeowners to pay for unnecessary or over-priced repair work.

“Whilst it can be tempting to employ the first person who comes to your door offering to fix that damaged fencing or other impacts as waters fall away, it can be hard to tell a good trader from a rogue on the doorstep, so trading standards are advising residents not to buy at the door and instead seek a range of quotes from reputable traders."

If you think you may have fallen victim to a rogue trader, you can report it to the Citizens Advice Consumer Service at 0808-223-1133.