Week-long litter-pick begins along Telford's A442
A week-long litter-picking operation has begun to tidy up one of Telford's busiest roads.
Telford & Wrekin Council has arranged the litter-pick, which will tidy up a build-up of litter along the A442 Eastern Primary.
No lane closure will be required, thanks to a new vehicle that protects crews working alongside the dual carriageway.
This week's clean-up is an additional spring-clean, deemed necessary due to the volume of litter that has accumulated since the last clean-up at the end of last year.
Councillor Richard Overton, Telford & Wrekin Council’s deputy leader and cabinet member for housing, enforcement, and transport, said: “The A442 is the main highway through Telford and keeping it clean is an important part of maintaining pride in our borough.
“The work over the next five days will remove litter which has accidentally blown here but a large proportion which has been thrown directly from vehicle windows. Everything from coffee cups to cigarette ends, dirty nappies to old newspapers.
“Keeping the country’s streets clean cost local councils collectively almost £700 million last year. Much of this is avoidable litter and money that could be better spent in the community.”
The council are warning residents of the risks of littering, with Telford & Wrekin's environmental enforcement officers capable of issuing fines of £150 to registered keepers of vehicles, if litter is thrown from their vehicle.
This is the case even if they were not in the vehicle or did not throw the litter.
The authority is encouraging residents to report litter being thrown from vehicles, and have asked witnesses to note the registration plate, vehicle make and model and, if possible, a description of the driver and email recyclefortelford@telford.gov.uk.
You can also leave a message on the confidential 01952 388800.