Shropshire Star

March and rally in Shrewsbury to put the spotlight on river pollution

River anti-pollution campaigners will be holding a rally in Shrewsbury tomorrow.

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Up Sewage Creek campaigners unhappy about sewage being discharged into the River Severn

A colourful march of Up Sewage Creek campaigners, speeches and events on the river Severn are on the cards from Sunday morning.

Councillor Julia Buckley, the town's Labour Parliamentary candidate will be speaking at the rally.

Councillor Buckley, who leads Shropshire Council's Labour group, said: “Shrewsbury Labour Party is proud to support Up Sewage Creek’s celebration of World Rivers Day this Sunday and we look forward to continuing our support for the Clean River Campaign."

She says she has made the River Severn one of her highest priorities should she be elected at the next General Election.

World Rivers Day is a celebration of the world’s waterways. It highlights the many positive uses of our rivers, strives to increase public awareness, and encourages the improved stewardship of all rivers around the world.

But it also protesting at the 'poor state of the river through Shrewsbury'.

Councillor Buckley said Shrewsbury Town Council have been leading on the issue of sewage in the river and were the first to pass a motion which lobbies and brings pressure to bear on the Water Companies, Shropshire Council, the Environment Agency, Government departments and other agencies and demands that they tackle the serious issue of poor water quality.

Councillor Buckley added: “It is now time to move from good words to the implementation of practical steps to achieve bathing water status for our river which is already happening in south Shropshire.

"Our first demand must be that Severn Trent works with the authorities and the people of Shrewsbury to effectively and immediately tackle the discharge of raw and untreated sewage into the river.

"The Severn remains a key source of drinking water for Shrewsbury and it is frankly disgraceful that these polluting discharges happens at all, let alone with such breathtaking frequency as we have seen in recent years."

Councillor Kate Halliday, chair of the Shropshire Council River Quality Scrutiny Task & Finish group, said she was delighted on Thursday when Councillors voted unanimously to endorse a letter to DEFRA in support of official bathing status for the River Severn in Shrewsbury and River Teme in Ludlow.