Shropshire Star

Storm Ciarán: 'Lots of water expected overnight' as council warns 'don't drive into floods'

A council is gearing up to deal with lots of water on the roads overnight as Storm Ciarán barrels towards the region.

Last updated
Telford & Wrekin Council has warned people not to drive into flood water

Telford & Wrekin Council has appealed to drivers not to risk driving through flood water and has published a picture of a car trapped deep in brown murky water.

The council tweeted: "Please don’t risk driving through flood water.

"We’re expecting to deal with lots of water on the roads overnight.

"@metoffice have a weather warning in place."

Issues in the borough of Telford & Wrekin can be reported to the council on its website.

Keep in touch with the Met Office weather warnings and forecasts on its website.