Shropshire Star

Environment activists to march for 'climate justice' in Shrewsbury amid COP28 summit

Activists will march into a Shropshire town centre as part of a global day of COP28 protests, calling for "climate justice".

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Extinction Rebellion Shrewsbury, pictured here at an anti-river pollution march, will be joining activists calling for 'climate justice' on Saturday

Residents will parade up Wyle Cop into Shrewsbury town centre tomorrow. World leaders have been meeting in Dubai for the climate summit, which started on November 30 and finishes next Tuesday, December 12.

A coalition of climate action groups including Extinction Rebellion Shrewsbury, trade unions including Unison, and concerned local residents will march.

Then among the Christmas crowds, a samba band will help call attention to the need for a commitment to climate justice in order to protect those already suffering on the front lines of the crisis. The rally is open to all.

Sal Mager, 57, from Shrewsbury, said: "The devastating impacts of the climate crisis are now undeniable. Unprecedented global temperatures, extreme weather events, and environmental degradation are already displacing communities across the globe.

"Meanwhile COP28 has turned into FLOP28, yet another talking shop of blah, blah, blah led by an oil CEO who denies basic climate science.

"We’re marching in solidarity with those on the front lines of climate breakdown. The horrible truth is that the people who’ve done the least to cause the climate and nature crisis are the ones suffering its worst effects – flooding, drought, rising sea levels and heat waves.

"We owe it to them to push for faster, fairer climate action and proper climate justice – including support for refugees, financial support for communities needing to adapt or relocate, and a rapid and fair phase-out of fossil fuels. Come and join us on Saturday and help us make some noise!"

King Charles issued a climate warning at the COP28, while Prime Minister Rishi Sunak made a fleeting, half-day visit.

The Shrewsbury event is part of a global day of coordinated action led in the UK by the Climate Justice Coalition.

Events are happening across the UK and in nations across the globe, as well as at COP28 itself. For more information see