Ironbridge community group offers help to flooding victims
A community group based in Ironbridge has offered up its stock of dehumidifiers to help with the flooding clean-ups.

For the last two years, the Ironbridge Lions Club, in partnership with the local Rotary Club, has been helping residents dry out their homes after the floods.
The group has eight dehumidifiers on offer, which are free to loan and will be delivered, set up and collected by its volunteers.
Treasurer Graham Powell said the project began after the floods of February 2020.
"We realised this was going to be an ongoing issue," he said.
"The following year we had borrowed equipment from a Lions Club up in the Lake District and with that we decided we ought to do something for ourselves.
"In partnership with the Rotary Club, we purchased dehumidifiers - we have eight in total - and we make them available free of charge for anyone locally.
"We will deliver them, help them set up and pick them up after."
Graham said the club has long been helping residents clean up after flooding, along with a range of other agencies.
"We've helped replace washing machines and carpet. A lot of people don't have insurance, or can't get insurance. Some of the stories we hear are pretty horrendous," he added.
"It's a team effort with other agencies to help everyone out, we do what we can."
Those in need of a humidifier are asked to ring Graham directly on 07887 638207.