Shropshire Star

Councillors set to decide whether ‘run-down’ garages can be converted into a flat

Councillors are set to decide whether ‘run-down’ garages in a Shropshire housing estate can be converted into a flat.


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Applicant Charalambous Properties wants to convert three garages in Spring Meadow, Sutton Hill, into a ground-floor flat.

“The garages are in a run-down state and are rarely sought after,” said the applicant in their design and access statement.

“The proposed scheme is to convert the dilapidated garages into an affordable, one-bedroom flat with parking to the front and a private garden to the rear.

“The proposal will see the three garage bays utilised to create the three main areas to the apartment, therefore reducing the need for significant structural alterations to any of the internal load-bearing walls and consequently minimising the disruption to the occupant of the flat on the first floor while building works take place.”

Three existing parking spaces in front of the garages will remain in place and the applicant says the spaces will ‘provide sufficient parking’ for occupants of the new and existing flats.

Plans include dividing the existing garden into two with the introduction of a fence down the centre line to provide private amenity space for both properties.

During the consultation process three different objectors sent letters to the council voicing their concerns about the development.

Fears were raised that the proposed conversion is ‘out of place’ with the buildings on Spring Meadow. Also concerns were voiced about whether the size of the proposed rooms met required standards.

Telford & Wrekin councillor Derek White, ward member for Madeley & Sutton Hill, called the application in resulting in it being decided by the planning committee.

He voiced similar concerns and said that the president set at Southgate turned the garages into a two-storey property.

Councillor White said: “The layout is not suitable for the size of the plot.

“The garages are in a row of garages and would look odd if converted with six one side and three the opposite side.

“Local residents are concerned about the noise and disturbance that the conversion would cause.”

Telford & Wrekin Council’s planning committee is set to meet later this week to decide the plan.

A council planning officer has recommended that the committee approve the plans and addressed some of the concerns raised.

After measuring the proposed conversion the planning officer concluded that it meets the required standards.

“(Council) officers are satisfied with the scale of the proposal and do not consider the proposed works would result in the overdevelopment of the application site,” concluded the planning officer.

“Whilst the ground floor unit will no longer have the appearance of three garages, this is not considered to result in significantly detrimental harm and the proposed works would respect and respond positively to the context of the application site and its surrounding area.

“(Council) officers do not consider these changes would be harmful; instead the works demonstrate an integrated design approach ensuring that there is no significantly detrimental harm upon the character and appearance of the application site and its surrounding area.”

When addressing concerns raised about the noise impact on residents during the construction phase the planning officer said that these could be alleviated by conditions placed on the approval.

“(Council) officers do not consider the proposed works would result in significantly detrimental harm upon the residential amenity of neighbouring properties; this is by way of nearness, loss of privacy or an overbearing impact being caused,” concluded the planning officer.

Councillors will decide the plans when the planning committee meets on Wednesday evening.

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