Shropshire Star

Ludlow set to celebrate Fairtrade landmark through local events

A south Shropshire town is marking 30 years since Fairtrade products first hit UK shelves through its local group.

Ludlow Fairtrade Fortnight during 2021

The Fairtrade Foundation is celebrating the anniversary by encouraging consumers to 'Be the Change' and to choose Fairtrade products 'every time'.

Ludlow Town Council has endorsed the foundation's initiative and is promoting local events that are taking place in the town as part of 'Fairtrade Fortnight', between September 9 and 22.

The council says the town's Fairtrade group will be active to show its support during the fortnight and will showcase its Ludlow Fairtrade Shopping Guide that has been funded by Ludlow Town Council.

The guide informs residents of where they can purchase Fairtrade goods in Ludlow, and hard copies are being distributed to various outlets throughout the town, including at shops mentioned in the guide such as, Myriad Organics, The Broad Bean, Bensons, La jewellery, Tiger Lily, Wesley's cafe, Eclectica, Traidcraft outlet, and Oxfam shop.

The guide adds that local supermarkets including Aldi, Tesco and Co-op stores sell some Fairtrade products, and reminds residents to look out for the Fairtrade logo.

As well as the shopping guide's introduction, St Laurence's Church is hosting a 'Big Brew Event' following its main morning service on Sunday, September 8 with a Fairtrade stall.

The stall will feature Fairtrade refreshments including a range of tasty home bakes and cakes made with Fairtrade ingredients, and donations can also be made towards the foundation and Transform Trade.

Finally, Ludlow Market on Thursday, September 12 between 10am and 2pm in the Castle Square will feature a Fairtrade stall.

A statement from Ludlow Town Council said: "We are all one world and Fairtrade farmers and workers and local producers stand together on issues of climate change and fair prices."

The council adds that the local group will be "campaigning on climate change and trade justice, and selling Fairtrade goods," as well as showcasing the new Fairtrade Shopping Guide.

The Fairtrade Foundation says: "When you choose Fairtrade, you contribute to a fairer, more sustainable future for food production.

"When you choose Fairtrade, you help ensure farmers receive a fairer price for what they grow.

"When you choose Fairtrade, you help rebalance power in supply chains."