Shropshire Star

Main routes through Shrewsbury closed to traffic due to rising River Severn

Main roads through Shrewsbury town centre have been closed due to flooding.

Last updated
Smithfield Road, and the River Severn, photographed from the Frankwell footbridge earlier on Wednesday

Shropshire Council announced the closure of Smithfield Road to traffic on X, formerly Twitter, on Wednesday afternoon with the River Severn still rising.

Flooding in Shrewsbury

The council has confirmed that the closure starts at the Frankwell roundabout and that Lower Claremont Bank is also closed.

Minutes later it was announced that Coton Hill and Chester Street are also shut.

The River Severn in Shrewsbury has risen quickly to 4.38m and is predicted to peak at the Welsh Bridge at 4.5 to 4.9m on Thursday morning.

St Julian's Friars car park