Quad bike danger warning
Quad bikes are fast becoming the biggest safety peril on Shropshire farms, a report from the Health and Safety Executive reveals today. Poor training and a disregard for crash helmets have resulted in a number of accidents in the past year. Quad bikes are fast becoming the biggest safety peril on Shropshire farms, a report from the Health and Safety Executive reveals today. Poor training and a disregard for crash helmets have resulted in a number of accidents in the past year. Across England, 16 people died in 2005 as a result of all-terrain vehicle injuries sustained on the farm. This latest report follows a safety blitz throughout the region by HSE inspectors earlier this year. In total, 44 safety notices were handed out to farmers in Shropshire and neighbouring Staffordshire - each one carrying a legal requirement to remedy the failings. Principal inspector Clive Brookes said it was high time farmers sat up and took notice. Read the full story in the Shropshire Star