Recruits boost for the NFU
Significant challenges facing the farming industry have led the membership of the National Farmers Union to soar across the country, including Shropshire which has more than 1,600 members.
Significant challenges facing the farming industry have led the membership of the National Farmers Union to soar across the country, including Shropshire which has more than 1,600 members.
Figures show there are now more than 55,000 farmer and grower members - an increase of 730 on last year and the West Midlands was the top performer this year adding 344 new core members to the total.
There are currently 1,614 farmer and grower members in Shropshire, including farm businesses, up by 72 on last year.
West Midlands' group secretaries and office staff, led by regional business development manager Nigel Pearson, are celebrating the achievement which has helped to ensure the NFU is growing for another century.
The region now has 6,250 farming businesses and members, not including those who fall into the countryside, professional and student categories.
NFU head of membership Huw Hilditch-Roberts said: "There are a number of challenges facing the industry and the NFU is in good shape to meet them head-on with a clear sense of direction, strong leadership and a sound financial base.
"No other farming organisation has the depth of expertise or contacts of the NFU. There are so many reasons to become a member of the NFU but our greatest strength is unity as we represent all sectors of the industry.
"We will continue to speak up on behalf of our members with passion and power to show that farming can play a key role in the country's future."
Mr Pearson added: "Thank you all for achieving this excellent result for the West Midlands, for banking every penny and adding member numbers.
"The members that have been recruited and those retained have great potential for the future."
By Amy Bould