Why stockmen should be there at farrowing
Being present to monitor farrowing is key to helping the newborn piglet get a good start and reducing piglet mortality rates, writes Angela Cliff.
Newborn management is an important factor in achieving one extra pig weaned per sow per year, which is one of the key targets BPEX is helping producers with this year.
Newborn piglets are poorly equipped to keep warm immediately after birth as the energy reserves to produce body heat (glycogen stored in the liver) are limited. A combination of factors means that piglets often become chilled: their small size means they lose heat fast, a lack of brown fat means there's no internal heat source, they have little surface fat and no hair (no insulation) and they're born wet with birth fluids (further chilling).
Piglets are also born with no immunity and can only get this from colostrum soon after birth. Producers could consider altering routines or rotas to provide cover at farrowing time or discuss with their vet the practicalities of using products to promote farrowing during the daytime, when the stockman can be present.
There are pig units where a member of staff carries out night inspections two or three nights during farrowing week to bridge the gap between the last check in the evening and the first check the following morning; this ensures there are only a couple of hours when sows are unsupervised. By being there at the right time it is possible to intervene early, limiting the risk of piglet suffocation during birth and reducing crushing. Time can also be spent hand feeding colostrum to the weaker piglets, while smaller piglets can be moved on to other sows once they've had time to suckle.
Colostrum is the 'first milk' and an essential source of energy, nutrients and immunity for the piglet.
It is critical for development of the piglets' own immune system and optimum lifetime performance. Producers should maximise colostrum intake in the first six hours after birth, achieving at least 100 ml intake per kilogram of birthweight by 16 hours post farrowing.
Split suckling, assisted suckling and hand feeding colostrum are all options to help ensure colostrum intake.
Download factsheets from www.bpex.org.uk/pig-production/indoor/farrowing/ and view short video clips from the BPEX Practical Pig App at: http://practicalpig.bpex.org.uk/
* Angela Cliff, is BPEX knowledge transfer manager for central England