Shropshire Star

Dairy farm near Whitchurch to expand as plans are agreed

A new dairy and milking parlour for up to 300 cows near Whitchurch has been given the go-ahead.


The project will see David Hares, the third generation of his family to farm at Millenheath Farm, to expand and grow his operation in Sandford.

The proposal will see the existing, out-of-date buildings replaced by more modern and custom-built buildings that will speed up milking and improve livestock welfare.

This will allow Mr Hares to milk more cows at the farm.

In a report by Shropshire Council, case officer Oliver Thomas he said: "Millenheath Farm is a long established and successful farm located within the rural settlement of Millenheath, which comprises predominantly of the farm and a small number of dwellings.

"The additional farm buildings will allow for the expansion of the existing farm and allow for a larger number of cattle to be kept on site."The farm yard is a range of traditional and modern buildings, ranging in size and age, with those traditional buildings becoming ineffective and unusable, thus the need for the proposal which is sited within close proximity, to the east, of the existing units; and allowing for the safe movement of livestock and equipment.

"The proposal to expand and increase operations occurring on site, through the inclusion of dairy provisions, are considered to be supported in principle as it will allow for the diversification of this rural enterprise, with the proposed buildings being relatable to the existing farm and will improve the provisions and facilities for workers and livestock alike."

Mr Hares said he requires a modern and larger building which allows for better working conditions for himself and better conditions for the cows.

He currently milks a herd of 250 cows, however, following the development of a building then the numbers can be increased to 300 cows.


Mr Thomas added: "The development site is currently used as part of a grazing paddock and is sited between the cubicle housing and earth bank slurry lagoon and is therefore a parcel of land that has minimal significance and will not amount to an unacceptable loss of agricultural land.

"The farm is in current and existing dairy operations and will be sited within close proximity to the existing buildings; therefore the proposed will be relatable and associable with the existing farm.

"The proposal for an additional milking parlour, dairy and associated operations with an increase in livestock numbers in considered acceptable.

"The proposed development is considered a natural and justified extension and expansion of the current operations that will enable the successful growth and evolution of the farm enterprise to modern-day standards and practices.

"The development remains sympathetic to its surrounding environs – both natural and built, having minimal impact upon residential and local amenities."

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