Shropshire Star

Staffs YFC goes from strength to strength

Members of Staffordshire County Federation of Young Farmers Clubs reported another successful year at their annual meeting last month (NOV) in the Ingestre Suite, County Showground, Stafford.

From left, back: Will Freeman, Polly Baines, Lou Crookes, Howard Kennerley; front: Millie Fallows, Sam Fowell, Gemma Brooks, BEckie Phillips, Rob Mollat

In his annual report county chairman George Goodwin, a member of Ridware YFC said: “One of my aims at the start of the year was to do as much as possible at every level of YFC, easier said than done with 10 active clubs, area meetings and competitions, then National meetings, events and competitions.

"Hopefully, you’ll agree I have served you well, at times it has been the best feeling in the world, sometimes been hard work but you have to take the rough with the smooth!”

George reported a very successful year, highlighting key moments in the busy YFC calendar and finishing by thanking the membership for electing him to the position, which he has thoroughly enjoyed.

Staffordshire YFC has 665 members aged 10 – 26 years who have benefited from taking part in some amazing charity work and playing an active part in their local communities. From Eccleshall YFC who held their annual “Speed Shear” to Lichfield YFC who held a Charity Tractor Run raising funds for the Teenage Cancer Trust. In total this year, the 11 Clubs in Staffordshire raised over £5,500 for worthwhile causes.

David Heminsley was elected as county president for his second year. David, a past member of Uttoxeter JNFU since 1988, is a very active volunteer in the federation, and currently updates the county website, leads in all things “Health and Safety” and helps with the upkeep and maintenance at the county office.

Chris Hall, a dairy, sheep and beef farmer from Croxden was elected the senior deputy president, for his second year. Chris is a past member of Dove Valley YFC and Uttoxeter JNFU and has held the positions of club chairman and club president for both clubs. He was also the county chairman of the federation in 1988 and is currently a governor at Abbotsholme School.

The presentations of awards were made by Mr Mike Heenan, Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society president, to the following clubs and individuals:

Most Outstanding Chairman: Gemma Brookes, Uttoxeter JNFU

Most Outstanding Secretary: Joint Winners: Beckie Phillips, Chase YFC & Rob Mollatt, Uttoxeter JNFU

Most Outstanding Treasurer: Winner: Sam Fowell, Eccleshall YFC

Most Outstanding Club Leader: Joint Winners: Polly Baines, Lichfield YFC & Louise Crooks, Uttoxeter JNFU

Club Efficiency Shield: Winner: Uttoxeter JNFU

Most Outstanding County Officer: Joint Winners: Jake Manning, Joint Competitions Chairman and a member of Lichfield YFC

David Palij Awardfor charity/community work: Uttoxeter JNFU

Manifold Marketing Award: Awarded to the Club who best promotes their Club and engagement in Club, County & Community Events: Uttoxeter JNFU

Scrapbook Award:

Leek YFC

Most Improved Club - Competitions Cup:

Ridware YFC

Small Clubs Trophy:

Chase YFC

Mr Ken Unwin MBE Memorial Cup:

Uttoxeter JNFU

Overall Competitions Cup:

Eccleshall YFC;

W.H.D. Hobson Cup:

Leek YFC

Newsletter Shield:

Uttoxeter JNFU

Mr & Mrs W.A. Taylor Merit Award: Awarded to the most outstanding individual at Club or County level was presented Harriet Wilson of Eccleshall YFC.

Junior Merit Award: This is presented to the most outstanding junior individual at Club or County level was presented to Meg Barnes, Leek YFC. Meg has continually supported her club by taking part in lots of competition as well as organising the teams.

Trophy for the Most Embarrassing Moment: Winner: Harri Dunne, Lichfield YFC

YFC Travel Certificates were awarded to: Emily Cartmail (Eccleshall YFC) – USA, Montana, Christabel Wilson (Uttoxeter JNFU) – Argentina, Catherine Johnson (Eccleshall YFC) – Argentina, Emily Phillips (Uttoxeter JNFU) – South Africa.

Junior Stockjudging Cup: TLeek YFC .

Intermediate Stockjudging Cup: Leek YFC.

Senior Stockjudging Cup: Uttoxeter JNFU.

Overall Stockjudging Cup: Leek YFC.

Oxford Farming Conference: The Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society kindly sponsor two places for the Conference held in January 201, and the two members awarded places were: Matthew Lane of Lichfield YFC and Will Gallimore of Uttoxeter JNFU.