Shropshire Star

Carols and Christmas fun for young farmers

Within Shropshire YFC, we try to put on as much training as possible to help our members.

Clarrie Hocknell, chairman of Shropshire Federation of Young Farmers Clubs

On Thursday, December 6, we held a welding training night with over 22 members keen to come and learn how to weld safely. The night was so popular that we are looking to run another evening in the new year.

This week we also hosted an in-house cake baking training night for all members.

National young farmers have a unique travel programme which enables members to apply for heavily discounted travel around the world. Many of our members applied and were lucky to be selected.

No other organisation offers such an exclusive and exciting chance for young people to travel safely and to experience such incredible opportunities, from working abroad, home stays and even just holidays! Rebecca Latter (Whitchurch YFC) was awarded a trip to Canada and said: “This is a fantastic opportunity that can't be bought on the high street. I'm excited."

This week we were held our annual county carol service at St Alkmund’s Church, Whitchurch, enjoying an evening of carols, mulled wine and mince pies. All proceeds will be split between St Alkmund’s Church and SFYFC’s charities for the year, which are the Lingen Davies Cancer Fund and Shropshire Riding for Disabled.

Tonight, Saturday, it is our social committee's Winter Warmer dance at Park Hall in Oswestry - it’s a perfect Christmas warm up and a great chance to catch up with members around the county!

We also held our first of 12 chairman’s charity challenges back in November with members swimming Alderford Lake raising £600 for Lingen Davies Cancer Fund and Shropshire Riding for Disabled.

We have 12 challenges to complete in one year. Will we do them all? We'll have to see!

For more information on Shropshire Young Farmers and to locate your local Young Farmers Club please visit:

Merry Christmas, and best wishes for 2018!

Clarrie Hocknell, chairman of Shropshire Federation of Young Farmers Clubs