Shropshire Star

Report highlights carbon concerns

A new Nuffield report has been published by 2016 Nuffield Scholar Becky Willson who has been travelling and investigated the title: Communicating carbon reduction schemes to farmers; busting preconceptions, driving efficiency and profit


Becky’s key messages are:

• Carbon management on-farms is complex, there needs to be a multi-dimensional strategy that involves farmers, advisors, researchers and policy makers to achieve reduction targets. However, although complex, the time to act is now

• Soil health is of critical importance and is at the centre of profitable, resilient and sustainable farm businesses. We must protect it at all costs

• Farmers provide an invaluable knowledge source on what works on the ground. They should be co-creating research projects that fit industry need

• It is crucially important to highlight positive stories and engage with farmers in a positive way.

• A consistent carbon foot printing methodology that includes soil carbon and is practical at farm level is urgently required

• Credibility, practical knowledge and relationship with the farmer are all crucial attributes to people communicating mitigation opportunities

A full copy of the report is accessible via the Nuffield International website: