Shropshire Star

Winds of change down on the farm

“The North wind doth blow and we shall have snow," says the old nursery rhyme and the poor Robin will shelter in the barn.

Christine Downes, Shropshire RABI committee member

There will be a lot of shepherds sheltering in barns in the next month as they care for their lambing flocks. There is constant attention day and night, checking ewes as they give birth, making sure all lambs have suckled colostrum in the first two hours, moving them into pens to prevent mismothering, feeding and watering, recording and tagging the lambs.

Later they join a larger group and hopefully the weather is kind enough for the flock to return to the fields. The long hours are tiring, but the sight of lambs playing together is always a joy.

The snowy weather in December caused the cancellation of the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution grand draw supper. The draw was held a week later and the Shropshire committee would like to thank all those who supported the charity. Over £1,200 was raised to support farming families in Shropshire.

In 2017 the total amount of grants to Shropshire beneficiaries was £61,423. The generous donations from individuals, businesses, Young Farmers, legacies, functions and churches raised £41,203. We are grateful for a donation of £181 from a recent Plough Sunday service at Bourton Church.

There has been nationally a 65 per cent surge in state benefit claims from the farming community,. The RABI head of welfare Trish Pickford says: "The nature of our work today is more time-consuming and more complex than in the past”

This rise comes in the face of widespread cutbacks to many benefits. The Freephone Helpline 0808 281 9490 has someone who will listen, can arrange a visit from a compassionate confidential welfare officer. When things go wrong, do ask for help.

Farming has altered over the last 10 years. The threat of TB and its implications can lead to an increased financial burden. We are grateful to all people involved in growing our food. We should value and encourage them, especially the entrepreneurial youngsters who are embracing social media to market their products.

The Shropshire committee welcomes all to the Charity Quiz night, on Friday, March 9, at Hadnall Village Hall, at 6.30pm for a delicious supper at 7pm. Teams are of four people - to book tickets at £10 per person please contact Mervin Mullard on 01588 640734 or

If you are interested in helping and would like more information about RABI please contact regional manager Kate Jones on 07876 492839 or email

Christine Downes, Shropshire RABI committee member