Shropshire Star

The helping hand which can make all the difference

The little girl pulled at his jacket. Dad was leaning on the hurdle. “Will the lamb survive?” she questioned.

Christine Downes is a committee member of Shropshire RABI

“It has a better chance than some” he replied. “I have given more colostrum to it, its mother has not much milk.”

He could not remember a worse spring, the weather was so cold, the grass was not growing and his stored winter feed was going fast. It had been difficult to make good silage in the summer, the hay was poor quality, it was having an effect on the stock.

His beef cattle were not doing as well, their coats were dull, they should be grazing outside in April. His stock were his pride, but this year he felt that he was constantly battling against weather conditions.

The farmer felt exhausted from long hours in the sheds. He didn’t remember when he had slept properly, especially with the worries of not caring for his animals to the high standard he always had managed. The little daughter tugged again: “It is tea time, come in and have something to eat”

“I’ll be in soon, I have to check this lamb first.”

As he walked across the yard, his phone rang, a neighbour he hadn’t seen for weeks. “Just wondering how you are, is there any help we can offer? My young lad could take a turn in the lambing shed over the Easter break.”

What a difference a phone call from a friend can make. It is not a weakness to accept help, but the realisation that we must look after both physical and mental health.

Depression and stress are leading to one agricultural person committing suicide each week. We can help our community know that there is always someone there by talking more, asking more and listening more. It may alleviate the feelings of isolation and loneliness.

The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution, which offers financial support to farming and farm workers families, can be contacted on their Freephone helpline 0808 281 9490. The welfare officers understand farming and its issues. Give them a call - they will offer confidential care with compassion.

The Shropshire RABI committee was delighted to have raised £1,000 at the annual quiz, grateful thanks to Mervin and all his family for an excellent fun evening.

The next event will be the NFU County Chairman’s Lunch on Sunday April 29 at Oswestry Showground , a wonderful meal, with a raffle and promise auction. Tickets are available from Andy Pillow on 01743 709607 or RABI regional manager Kate Jones on 07876 492839 or

Christine Downes is a committee member of Shropshire RABI