Shropshire Star

Changing college landscape heralds exciting prospects

Many changes have taken place at Walford Farm over that last few months, with the college’s merger with Herefordshire and Ludlow College bringing exciting prospects across the college and especially to the farm.

Katie Ellis, Curriculum Area Manager – Land based – Walford College.

In September the small flock of Welsh mules were handed to the curriculum team to ensure agriculture students received every opportunity to understand the everyday care and management of sheep. With this the students have worked on pasture and buildings to give the best accommodation and have already begun preparing sheds for the lambing period in April.

Additionally, students have been ensuring the health plan is adhered to and that the ewes were in the best condition to be put to the rams.

We held an externally-run scanning course at the college that allowed people to gain a qualification in scanning that would enable them to set up independent businesses. With our college ewes being used it was fantastic news to hear that our scanning rates came in at 197 per cent.

This is the highest it has been here in many years and this is a credit to all students and staff involved. We are very much looking forward to lambing time and will be utilising opportunities to allow students to develop new skills and also enhance their current skill set.

The students have had some fantastic trips and visits so far this year. The move to City & Guilds provision has meant a large emphasis on employer engagement. This is brilliant in allowing students to network with many people who are already working in the industry and also gives them the chance to see a range of farming establishments and visit many industry shows, such as Builth Winter Fair and LAMMA.

Having the students visit many local farms has really given the opportunity to work with local farmers. Strengthening these relationships is invaluable in giving students variety while remaining close to the college.

Being able to visit poultry units and anaerobic digesters that are so close to the college is advantageous in witnessing the elements of farming that aren’t on college site. We can only thank these farmers for being so cooperative and look forward to working with them more in the future.

The next six months are set to be busy from an agriculture curriculum point of view. Students have multiple exams throughout March, work experience and lambing in April and then trips to end the year. Staff are also busy interviewing potential students for the 2019/20 academic year. If you want to consider studying with us in the near future please get in touch to see what courses are available.

Katie Ellis, Curriculum Area Manager – Land based – Walford College.