Shropshire Star

Our pioneer sought to help struggling farmers

A phone call to the farming support group led to the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution funding a shepherd.

Christine Downes is on the committee of Shropshire Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution.

This practical help to a young wife and family enabled them to cope with lambing while her husband received cancer treatment. They continue to farm today and give thanks to the charity that was there at a critical time in their lives.

At the NFU county chairman’s lunch held recently we are often asked about the history of RABI.

It is a national charity founded in 1860 by John Mechi. He was a silversmith, banker and inventor and Alderman of the City of London.

In 1841, after studying farming, he became interested in improvements in agriculture and bought a farm of about 130 acres in a poor marshy area of Essex.

At Tip Tree Hall he created a model farm, attracting many visitors to see his inventions and new ideas. During this time John Mechi became aware of the hardships and poverty of many farming families and the lack of any organisation to help.

It was his campaigning and canvassing of many of his city friends which led to the formation of the Agricultural Benevolent Institution. Then events beyond his control conspired to bring about his downfall, with the collapse of a bank and insurance company, bad farming years and by 1880 he placed his business into liquidation.

It is a fitting tribute to John Mechi that in his last months the farmers of England subscribed £5,000 to help him financially.

RABI quickly established a grant structure, and the needy were entitled to £40 a year as a married couple and 1.5 tons of coal.

Today the charity could pay for disability equipment, hospital travel costs, Christmas hampers and help for the retired. Though RABI does not pay business bills, the professionally trained confidential welfare team will enable farming families to see a way forward.

The Helpline is 0808 281 9490. If you are concerned about yourself or someone in these uncertain times, please do call.

The Shropshire committee is grateful for all the most generous help and support. The charity has spent almost £20,000 in the county this year.

If you would like more information, Kate Jones, regional manager can be contacted on 07876 492 839 or email

We have two dates for your diaries – the popular Golf Day is at Henlle on May 31 and a wonderful afternoon Garden Party at Marche Manor on June 2.

Christine Downes is on the committee of Shropshire Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution.